Thank you Kendall Ware, Ed.D. for bringing Solving for Freedom to the program. Your curriculum challenged scholars, empowered them to think critically, and helped them examine historical events from a statistical mindset. Wow just think how hesitant scholars were on day one compared to their level of confidence during group presentations.
You can teach students effectively in a supportive learning environment while still challenging them. Let's stop underestimating their capabilities and thinking they are incapable. When we impose that stigma, we limit their potential, not them. Now, who says you can't teach statistics to students who have yet to take Algebra 2, Trigonometry, or Pre-Calculus?
And this is why we need more professors, instructors, session leaders, teachers, facilitators, and educators like you, Kendall Ware, Ed.D.. YOU GET IT!
-Tashanna Stanciel